Ted Cruz: Obama Attacking ‘Jewish Churches’ Over Gay Marriage

In an interview with Glenn Beck last Thursday, Ted Cruz once again badly misrepresented an exchange between Solicitor General Donald Verrilli and Justice Samuel Alito during Supreme Court arguments on the constitutionality of gay marriage bans, telling Beck’s listeners that the Obama administration may soon try to strip churches of their tax-exempt status if their pastors refuse to officiate gay couples’ weddings.

Hyping these unfounded fears, Cruz also said that the Justice Department will similarly target “Jewish churches” that refuse to perform same-sex marriages. (This is not the first time Cruz has spoken of the plight of “Jewish churches”).

Earlier in the program, Cruz agreed with Beck’s assessment that people “who practice real religion” may be “done” as a result of religious hostility in America.

“Christians are being persecuted, people of faith are being persecuted for following biblical teachings on marriage,” Cruz said. “If people of faith do not stand up in this next election, I fear the greatest nation in the history of the world will be lost.”