Stop Gay Marriage Or Say Goodbye To Christian Civilization

Rev. Thomas Euteneuer, the president of Human Life International, has some grave concerns about gay marriage – namely that it will be the end of Christian civilization as we know it.

As Euteneuer explains, gay marriage is wrong for many reasons: “First and foremost is because it violates the revealed Will of God as seen in Scripture … [secondly it] distorts the very concept of parenting as well as marriage … [and finally] society suffers because of the public endorsement of an intrinsically disordered lifestyle and practice.”

And that is why it must be stopped, for the sake of our civilization, our souls, and our very lives:

[A] society cannot long survive this kind of violence done to its basic values, and history surely shows many societies like Ancient Greece, whose rapid decline was preceded by the proliferation of the gay lifestyle and its public acceptance.

While we respect all people as they are, we don’t have to respect such a wholesale assault on everything that is sacred to us and good for our society; no, in fact, we must fight against it with our very lives. The question is not whether or not we can win the battle; the question is whether we will join it. Will we accept the challenge to defend the sacred or not? We are called to be faithful and obedient to the Plan of God for our world, and within that, God will bring forth the victory. There is no doubt that, if it is not already there, gay marriage will be coming to your state soon. If we don’t fight it, our souls, our families and basically, our very civilization, will find themselves at “the end” of the line in very short order.