In an interview with Steve Malzberg on Newsmax last Monday, Rep. Steve King of Iowa warned that Central American migrants who are apprehended at the southern border can be “delivered to the address of their choice” while they await a deportation hearing, and “that might be a crack house, it might be an MS13 house, it might be a cat house.”
Later in the interview, King harped on President Obama’s “messiah complex” and claimed that Obama wants to be impeached in order to become a “martyr” and “put tens of millions of illegal aliens into America,” ultimately turning the country “into a leftist state in perpetuity.”
Just yesterday, King himself insisted that Congress should take a “serious look” at the “i-word.”
“The most extreme narcissist that you could ever find,” King said to Malzberg, “would be somebody that would say, ‘Go ahead and crucify me in the House of Representatives, but I’ve got eternal life in the United States Senate, so it will make me the martyr that I need to be and history will look on me benevolently and kindly and we will put tens of millions of illegal aliens into America who are undocumented Democrats and we will start the process to document them and thereby convert America into a leftist state in perpetuity.’”
When Malzberg asked King if Obama is “testing our very system to see if it will survive,” he responded, “I absolutely do.”
Just a few days after his interview with Malzberg, King was charged with pretty much single-handedly shaping the GOP’s immigration policy.