Steve Bannon Takes Personal Credit For The GOP’s ‘Civil War’

Steve Bannon speaking at CPAC 2016. ( Skidmore)

Steve Bannon, the former chief strategist to President Donald Trump who now leads Breitbart News, told radio listeners that he and his colleagues at Breitbart are “proud” of the “civil war” occurring within the Republican Party and that they assume credit for the infighting.

On this morning’s episode of “Breitbart News Daily,” Bannon joined Breitbart London editor-in-chief Raheem Kassam to urge listeners to promote the “populist-nationalist” worldview of Breitbart editorial staff with their state representatives. In response to one caller, Bannon asserted that recent Republican infighting was for the best.

“We are having a civil war in the Republican Party. We are fighting for the direction of this party,” Bannon said.

“We’re proud of this,” he added.

Bannon went on to take credit for Republican infighting and claim that the reason Democrats haven’t fought with each other is because they don’t have a site like Breitbart.

“The Democrats haven’t had that. You know why the Democrats haven’t had that? They don’t have a Breitbart. It’s all a pillow fight over there,” Bannon said.

Kassam added to Bannon’s claim, insisting that if Democrats had a Breitbart equivalent, “then the whole Bernie [Sanders] thing at the last convention would have been blown up in such a big way it would have caused a civil war.”