Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver spoke recently at a “Standing for Jesus Christ Conference” in Delaware where he discussed his work defending Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis in her fight to prevent her office from issuing marriage licenses because she disagreed with the Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision.
Staver declared that Davis could not simply resign from her position just because she was unwilling to carry out her duties as an elected official, but had to remain in office because otherwise she would be sending a signal that Christians are not allowed to run for or hold public office.
We cannot “just cleanse our elected officials of Christians or those who believe in what everyone has believed through millennia of human history that marriage is a union of a man and a woman because five people — because five people! — disagree with God,” Staver bellowed.
This sort of “persecution” of Christians will eventually spread to all levels of society, Staver warned.
“It’s coming to every facility, every organization, every person that has deeply Judeo-Christian beliefs with regards to marriage as the union of a man and a woman,” he stated, before declaring that the lighting of the White House in rainbow colors in celebration of LGBT Pride Month was a devastating shock to the entire world and “put a deep, solar plexus punch in their gut.”
“What is happening in our country is happening around the world,”Staver asserted. “This is the greatest attack in our modern times on the church that we have ever seen.”