Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber isn’t exactly known for moderation or mild rhetoric, especially when it comes to gay rights. He warns of “religious freedom being crushed by the homosexualist juggernaut,” says that gay people live a “lust-filled, sex-centric, perversion-centric lifestyle,” believes LGBT families are in “rebellion against God,” claims that the Boy Scouts “committed gay activist suicide” when they allowed openly gay scouts, and insists that the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) would protect pedophiles.
But according to Barber, the real perpetrator of “propagandist hyperbole” when it comes to gay rights is President Obama. In an interview yesterday, Barber and radio host Janet Mefferd snickered at the president’s assertion that without ENDA, “millions of LGBT Americans go to work every day fearing that, without any warning, they could lose their jobs.”
“I often say that hyperbole is responsible for all of the world’s problems,” Barber said. “And here we have the president dealing in this propagandist hyperbole.”
Barber claimed that “in the rare instance that an employer finds out that someone is engaging in an aberrant sexual lifestyle, a homosexual lifestyle, or if somebody goes home one day dressed as a man and comes back dressed as a woman the next” they would be defended by the news media, and that in fact “it’s the people who have a biblical worldview who are afraid to go to work every day.”