Savage: Deport Immigration Activists, Put Undocumented Prisoners In ‘Internment Camps’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of “The Savage Nation,” conservative talk radio host Michael Savage wrapped up a lengthy anti-immigrant rant by criticizing “The New Colossus,” a sonnet by Emma Lazarus that’s inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. Calling the poem “stupid,” Savage falsely claimed that it was authored by communist activist Emma Goldman.

Savage quickly corrected himself, but the mention of Goldman led him to insist that more people should be deported, like Goldman, and that the U.S. should reestablish the House Un-American Activities Committee, recommending that the new HUAC order the deportation of people who “work against America” such as people who work for the American Civil Liberties Union and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

“I love McCarthy,” he said, adding that “real American” military veterans should run the new HUAC. He eventually returned to immigration: “No more immigrants, end of story.”

He said that the U.S. should “work out a deal with Russia” and “build internment camps somewhere in Siberia” for undocumented immigrants in the prison system, and also deport “greedy little NYU graduates” who work as immigration attorneys.