Drew McKissick, in a blog post that showed up on the Christian Coalition’s new website (yes, they are still around,) has what some high praise for John McCain and Sarah Palin:
The game has changed. In an election of McCain vs. Obama, the race was all about Obama. Not anymore.
Win or lose, picking Sarah Palin will go down as the greatest single thing McCain has done for his own campaign, as well as for the conservative movement. Conservatives are rallying like never before to her presence on the ticket.
You’d think that McCain’s long record opposing abortion, fighting for right-wing judges, and all around working to advance the Right’s agenda would warrant some praise, but apparently they pale in comparison to his craven capitulation to their demands.
McKissick goes on to hail Palin for her heroic ability to single-handledly destroy liberalism:
The other risk to liberals? Much like Clarence Thomas did for blacks, Sarah Palin proves to other women that you don’t need liberals, liberalism or government to make it in life.
Presumably, McKissick is hoping that Palin will have a bit more of a tangible impact on the make-up of the GOP than Thomas did:
Organizers conceived of this convention as a means to inspire, but some African American Republicans have found the Xcel Energy Center depressing this week. Everywhere they look, they see evidence of what they consider one of their party’s biggest shortcomings.
As the country rapidly diversifies, Republicans are presenting a convention that is almost entirely white.
Only 36 of the 2,380 delegates seated on the convention floor are black, the lowest number since the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies began tracking diversity at political conventions 40 years ago. Each night, the overwhelmingly white audience watches a series of white politicians step to the lectern — a visual reminder that no black Republican has served as a governor, U.S. senator or U.S. House member in the past six years.
“It’s hard to look around and not get frustrated,” said Michael S. Steele, a black Republican and former lieutenant governor of Maryland. “You almost have to think, ‘Wait. How did it come to this?’ “