Santorum: Health Care Reform Will Destroy America By Defunding Our Military

I am used to seeing right-wing leaders claim that gay marriage or abortion or atheism or voting Democratic or what-have-you will destroy America … but I have never an explanation quite like the one Rick Santorum gave to World Magazine about how health care reform will destroy the US by forcing massive cuts in military spending, just like “the left” always wanted: 

Q: Will this spending have an effect on our military? No European socialist country has any military to speak of, because they can’t afford it. We spend $650 billion a year on the military. You’re going to hear in the next year or so that we must dramatically cut the military because we can’t pay for it: “We can’t afford to be the policeman of the world. America’s role has to change.” The Chinese and the Russians are sitting there licking their chops. This is exactly what the left would like to see, since they see America as an oppressive imperialist country.

Q: The long-term consequences of the healthcare law . . . It will destroy the country.

Kudos to Santorum for uncovering this secret, diabolical sixty-year leftist plot to destroy our military though health care spending all for the benefit of the Russians!