Conspiracy theorist radio host Alex Jones doubled down today on his claim that the San Bernardino shooting was a false flag attack, speaking with fellow conspiracy theorist Steve Pieczenik about why they believe the tragedy was an Obama administration plot to push gun control.
Pieczenik said it was “absolutely impossible” for shooter Tashfeen Malik to have carried out the attack, claiming that the attack, like the Sandy Hook school shooting, was staged in order to advance “gun control for Obama.”
“His last wish and dying wish, may well be dying wish, is that we have gun control in the United States,” Pieczenik said of President Obama, accusing the president of committing “criminal acts against the United States.”
He continued: “We do not have one year left to live out this administration.”
Pieczenik went on to say that the shooting was designed to deflect attention from the controversy surrounding the delayed release of the Laquan McDonald shooting video, claiming that Obama takes orders from Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
“What we need to do is to initiate a referendum where we will ask the president to step down,” he said. “I do not want an assassination, what I want is a referendum where the people say we can no longer wait for a year, we do not want anyone else and we will want to nominate, by choice, Trump. Either we have the elections now or we don’t have the elections, we do not have one more year.”
He even claimed that ISIS leaders work for the U.S. government while “we create the false flags.” Jones added that the administration “brought in” terrorists to “have them attack us and then take our guns and then restrict internet free speech.”