On yesterday’s broadcast, End Times radio host Rick Wiles interviewed right-wing Christian activist Keith Davies (who is also the business partner of anti-Muslim activist Walid Shoebat) about “the ubiquitous evil which has assumed control over region and now even the highest echelons of American government.”
As Davies explained, every member of Congress – every single one – has “sold out to the Devil,” including even Senator Ted Cruz because he has refused to demand President Obama’s imprisonment over the fact that his half-brother is supposedly a terrorist.
“This story on Malik Obama,” Davies asserted, “would have any other other president in the past fifty years in chains by now.”
The only reason that Obama hasn’t been jailed, Wiles sighed, is because “there has been a coup d’etat in this country,” but it doesn’t come from Russia, as we had always been told it would, but rather it happened internally.
That prompted Davies to declare that “Russia is actually, in many ways, doing the right thing with Islam, they’re doing the right thing with homosexuality, they won’t tolerate homosexuals in their country,” before concluding that “Russia today, in my opinion, is a freer country today than we are here in America”: