Robertson: Deliver Us From Obama

Today on the 700 Club, televangelist Pat Robertson railed against President Obama as both an incompetent leader “who never ran anything” and an ideologue who is imposing his radical agenda.

“He doesn’t understand what these things are, he’s never been in the military, he doesn’t understand it, he doesn’t understand geopolitics,” Robertson said. “But he has a prism on the world that was shaped by his radical father and he has a prism that was shaped by some of his friends who were radical leftists and his spiritual mentor who at one time hated America; that’s who is running our country.”

“We are waiting like, are we ever going to get delivered from this thing?” he said.

Robertson compared the state of the nation to Gulliver’s Travels: “This is a great nation, it’s like Gulliver and the little Lilliputians. Here’s a giant who is held down by all these pygmies and we’re a giant, America is a giant, being held down by these pygmies. It’s time to pray, lots of prayer, and some action maybe in these next elections.”