- WorldNetDaily reports that, at least according to one poll, Roy Moore holds a big lead to become the next governor of Alabama. Of course, it is also WND, so you can’t really put too much faith in it.
- Concerned Women for America comes out hard against the prospect that Kathleen Sebelius might be named the next Secretary of Health and Human Services.
- Janet Porter warns that passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination act will put an end “to our freedoms and put Christian and pro-family business owners out of business.”
- The Family Research Council bad-mouths a new report from the Guttmacher Institute that says that every dollar spent on family planning saves taxpayers $4 in costs associated with unintended births, while the Pro-Life Action League says the report “smacks of racism.”
- Of the places one would least expect to find a Democratic student group popping up, Pat Robertson’s Regent University probably tops the list. But no longer.
- David Brody posts a lengthy excerpt from an article Bobby Jindal wrote back in 1994 about participating in an exorcism and Jim Geraghty over at “The National Review” is not pleased that Brody is dredging it up at this time.
- Finally, Gordon Klingenschmitt is angry with the Virginia Senate for killing “a pro-faith bill … which would have restored the rights of Virginia State Police Chaplains to pray publicly ‘in Jesus name.'” We happen to think Michael Shochet had a much more reasonable response:
Michael Shochet, cantor of temple Rodef Shalom in Falls Church and a volunteer chaplain coordinator for the Fairfax County Police Department, said he and other chaplains must recognize the difference between ministering to their congregations and being pastoral counselors for people of all faiths.
“When I don my police uniform, I am no longer representing my congregation as a Jewish clergy,” he said. “Instead, I am representing the government, and therefore the public is my congregation.”