Right Wing Leftovers

  • Gov. Rick Perry wants Rush Limbaugh to move to Texas.
  • Not content with getting its own ad audition footage yanked from YouTube, the National Organization for Marriage has now gotten a Rachel Maddow clip making fun of the footage yanked as well.
  • Richard Land declares Iowa to be the “poster child” for the need for a federal marriage amendment.
  • Of all the groups out there qualified to teach about “true tolerance,” I’d say Focus on the Family ranks near the bottom.
  • The Religious Right continues to go after Harry Knox, one of the appointees to the White House’s faith-based advisory council.
  • When the Department of Homeland Security released a report about a potential rise in violent right-wing extremist movement, nobody thought they were talking about conservatives … except, apparently, for the conservatives.
  • Janet Porter unveiled her new Faith2Action website today and boldly proclaimed that it will become the epicenter for the right-wing effort to “take back America.”
  • Alan Keyes is joining Randall Terry’s on-going efforts to protest Notre Dame over President Obama’s invitation to speak at the university.
  • Finally, Phyllis Schlafly declares that if the courts strike down DOMA “it would be the same type of judicial supremacy that occurred 152 years ago in the famous Dred Scott case.”