Right Wing Leftovers

  • Anti-marriage activists in Maine say they have turned in enough signatures to place a referendum on the ballot in November seeking to overturn the state’s marriage equality law.
  • The Christian Coalition has taken a stand on health care reform: No!
  • Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty starts positioning himself for a presidential run in 2012.
  • The Family Research Council’s Tom McClusky’s concept of blogging seems to consist of regularly posting Republican talking points.
  • Despite what has previously been reported, Sarah Palin will not be attending the Simi Valley Republican Women’s event at the Reagan Library.
  • The Family Research Council warns that President Obama’s involvement in the Henry Louis Gates Jr. arrest saga is “just a taste of what’s to come if the President signs the hate crimes bill, a massive federal power grab that will allow Washington to judge the thoughts and motives of people involved in matters best left to local law enforcement officials.”