Right-Wing Leaders Warn Conservatives To Vote Trump Or Face A Hillary Clinton Police State

Right-wing direct mail pioneer Richard Viguerie once called Donald Trump a “serious narcissist” who may potentially “have serious psychological problems” and should therefore never be allowed anywhere near America’s nuclear arsenal. But that was before Trump secured the Republican nomination for president; once that happened, Viguerie changed his tune and became a vocal supporter of the very man he once blasted as an utterly amoral “pro-business liberal Democrat.”

In an effort to now convince “Never Trump” conservatives to back the GOP nominee in the upcoming election, Viguerie recruited several right-wing leaders—including Gary Bauer, Jerry Boykin, James Dobson, Rick Santorum and Jerry Falwell Jr.—to write short essays on the dangers that Hillary Clinton, who is “deeply disturbed and possibly in need of clinical assistance,” poses to America.

The essays were collected and published in a booklet reasonably titled “Hail Hillary: Is A Clinton Progressive Police State In America’s Future?”

This is the cover:
