Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Sliding Backwards

  • Johnny Enlow says that when it comes to Dr. Anthony Fauci, “the level of evil is the highest I can imagine” and that “if there is any person on the planet that should receive the maximum judgment, it is Fauci.”
  • The American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Kellogg’s because “each box of Kellogg’s sold affirms to the company Kellogg’s support for homosexuality.”
  • Jim Bakker declares that in the months since the election of President Joe Biden, America has “slidden backwards more than in my entire lifetime, and I’m 81 years old.”
  • Mario Murillo has some questions: “How can we get back to normal while Biden is plunging the nation into chaos and glorifying things God hates? And how can we heal when, every day, Biden tears the nation apart with insulting rhetoric and inflammatory actions aimed at the church?”
  • Finally, we have no idea what is going on with Trump-loving evangelist Lance Wallnau, but his late night livestreams are getting increasingly weird.