Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Praying Against Equality

  • Richard Land says that “Donald Trump has performed a valuable service to the nation, in that he has prevented Hillary Clinton from being president.”
  • In preparation for suing Twitter after being banned from the platform, Laura Loomer handcuffed herself to door of the company headquarters.
  • Josh Bernstein says the photo of a mother and her children being tear-gassed by US troops at the southern border is “likely fake.”
  • James R., a host on YourVoice America, says that he “talked to a guy who knows a guy who has literally been on the phone with the DOJ” who reports that Hillary Clinton will soon be arrested.
  • Finally, the Family Research Council prays against the Equality Act: “Father, please open the eyes of all Americans to understand that religious liberty, which our original 13 states demanded be included as our first freedom in the Bill of Rights, must be honored above behavior which is immoral. Lord, expose the underlying intent of this effort — to punish Christians and others with a biblical view of marriage and human sexuality, and so to set a precedent from which to expand their persecutions under the guise of law. Deliver us, O God!”