Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 9/27/16

  • Glenn Beck is among those being sued by the father of Ahmed Mohamed, who was arrested last year for bringing a homemade clock to school. Gee, who could have seen that coming?
  • Joseph Farah reacts to last night’s debate: “I hate to say it, because I truly believe the election of Donald Trump is profoundly important for the future of the country, but Hillary cleaned his clock in the Great Debate.”
  • Rick Joyner sees things differently and says that Trump won: “Another factor seems to be that Trump is right when he said that his temperament is an asset. There is such a growing revulsion to political correctness, and the constant embarrassment and retreat of America on almost every front, that people are seeing the need for a strong, decisive leader that really loves America.”
  • Dutch Sheets is organizing a pre-election “Appeal To Heaven” prayer conference because “America’s narcissistic independence from her Creator has left us spiritually and morally bankrupt.”
  • Finally, Rudy Giuliani says that Hillary Clinton is “too stupid to be president.”