Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 9/11/14

  • Federal prosecutors are seeking sixteen months in prison for Dinesh D’Souza, largely based on the fact that his supposed contrition before the court does not square with the public statements he made about the case elsewhere.
  • Ray Comfort’s upcoming anti-gay movie is going to be absolutely amazing, according to Ray Comfort.
  • Peter LaBarbera is furious that the U.S. will not support other nation’s efforts to criminalize homosexuality: “Just because America has fallen so far that we now treat sin, in this case homosexuality, as a civil right doesn’t mean we have the right to force that on other countries that have more wholesome and biblical values.”
  • New Jersey’s ban on ex-gay therapy has been upheld by the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
  • Finally, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Rep. Louie Gohmert, and Sen. Ted Cruz all participated in David Barton’s most recent pastor’s briefing in Washington, D.C.