Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 4/7/16

  • The American Family Association’s Tim Wildmon says Mississippi’s new anti-LGBT law was necessary because gay activists are “ruthless and can make your life a living hell if they zero in on you … They are loud, obnoxious, rude, profane, demanding and intolerant of any opposing viewpoint. It’s all gay, all the time, or they will come after you, your family, and your job.”
  • FRC prays that every state will pass similar anti-LGBT laws: “May pastors teach their flocks about the realities of the war being waged upon them. May they enlist Christian citizens to do their part to protect their children and grandchildren from becoming victims of SOGI laws. May every state legislature and Congress pass effective laws, replacing ineffective laws with ones that truly protect the religious liberty for all Americans. May pastors organize Culture Impact Teams to help their people defend their communities!”
  • Thanks to the Religious Right’s relentless echo chamber, the Washington Times reports that “sixty-three percent of respondents in the LifeWay Research survey said they agree or strongly agree that Christians are facing growing levels of persecution, up from 50 percent in 2013.” 
  • Jan Markell says that Sen. Al Franken is “one of these Jews who hates his own identity.”
  • Finally, because Glenn Beck has no sense of self-awareness, he actually spent an entire segment on radio today mocking Alex Jones for spewing wild and unfounded conspiracy theories.