Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 3/9/15

  • It seems that Rey Flores is not a fan of the work that we do here: “For those of you who may not be familiar with Right Wing Watch (RWW), it’s a side project of People for the American Way (PFAW), who should really call themselves People for the American Gay.”
  • Jesse Lee Peterson is upset that Ben Carson apologized for his prison sex comment because his original statement made perfect sense.
  • Mat Staver warns that the the Supreme Court will “delegitimize” itself if it rules in favor of gay marriage.
  • Ted Cruz thinks that a reported federal investigation of Sen. Robert Menendez might be “politically motivated due to the New Jersey Democrat’s opposition to President Obama’s negotiations with Iran.”
  • Larry Klayman issues a perfectly Klayman-esque warning: “If you think that the Hussein Obama/Eric Holder/Al Sharpton race war against persons of a different complexion is bad enough, wait for Hillary to also pit women against men to further the divide of our decaying body politic and society, already fractured to the hilt. Already she is signaling that the hallmark of her presidential candidacy will hinge on the nation having a duty to elect the first woman president. The irony is, however, that Hillary is arguably not a woman at heart, but rather an asexual ‘devil in a blue dress,’ and I’m not talking about the mascot of my alma mater, Duke University.”

  • Finally, Matt Barber says that gays are like children who “sometimes throw a fit when we don’t give them what they want,” telling them that “what you do is wrong. Period. Full stop.”