Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 3/3/15

  • Tony Perkins recently met with Jeb Bush to discuss the Religious Right’s opposition to gay marriage, etc … and reports that Bush seemed “genuinely interested in learning how to effectively work those themes into his overall messaging.”
  • We’ll have to see how that turns out, but we don’t expect Steve Deace to be convinced.
  • Sam Rohrer of the American Pastors Network says that Scott Walker may be “an individual who God has raised up perhaps for this time.”
  • Jennifer LeClaire says that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “is under a spiritual attack. We need to enter into intercession over him and continue after he exits Washington, D.C.”
  • Meanwhile, Bryan Fischer wishes that Netanyahu was president of the United States.
  • Finally, here is Gordon Klingenschmitt singing a motion in the form of a Beatles tune in the Colorado legislature: