Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 11/22/16

  • Arthur Schaper declares that “if a rag-tag group of homosexuals in 1969 could rally parades after a riot and a raid in New York City, then surely Christians connected throughout every city in this country, in the world can rise up and push back against this immoral, unsound insanity.”
  • One Million Moms goes after Zales for “attempting to normalize sin by featuring two women getting married in their latest commercial.”
  • Rick Joyner says that Donald Trump really won the popular vote: “The establishment media keeps talking about how Hillary won the popular vote, but if you just count the people who really exist, it looks like Trump won with a huge majority.”
  • Jennifer LeClaire insists that Trump’s election is proof that “the prophetic is real; prophets really are for today.”
  • Finally, Scott Lively calls on conservatives to rally behind President-elect Trump and destroy the left once and for all: “Every leftist demonstration from this day forward should be infiltrated by conservative activists either individually or in small groups gathering intelligence and posting it online. Every bus convoy of Soros goons should be filmed and exposed. Every professional street agitator should be identified and cataloged online. Every evidence of criminal conduct should be reported to the police in an attachment to an anonymous open letter to the authorities in the appropriate jurisdiction.”