Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 11/13/15

  • Glenn Beck has now completely dropped his principled opposition to the use of boycotts, declaring on his radio program today that “the time has come for boycotts.”
  • Speaking of Beck, isn’t his assertion that Ted Cruz possesses an “audiographic memory” that allows him to exactly repeat anything he hears verbatim because it “imprints on him an audio file” somewhat undercut by the fact that Cruz was unable to perfectly reenact a scene from “The Princess Bride”?
  • Burt Prelutsky says that “more and more, as you look around the world or at our own political landscape, it seems to be the case that Satan has thrown open the doors and furloughed the worst offenders, perhaps following the lead of his friend and close associate, Barack Obama, who is doing his best to release killers, rapists and terrorists from our prisons and from Guantanamo.”
  • Bradlee Dean blasts the “American people who have tolerated those who have committed the crimes of a foreign, Third-World dictator in their own country.”
  • Finally, Peter LaBarbera says that “in most cases open homosexuals who gain elected office end up promoting homosexuality, because they have this desperate need to rationalize their sexual sin.”