Given that End Times radio host Rick Wiles is a sane and reasonable man with a long history of being right about a vast number of things, it is only logical for us to be alarmed when we learned from him today that America has been overthrown by Nazis.
As Wiles was preparing to interview John Whitehead, president of the Rutherford Institute, on his radio program yesterday, he furiously declared that America has been taken over by a Nazi dictatorship as the culmination of a plot set in motion following World War II. This same Nazi movement is also behind the events in Ukraine, which will lead to World War III where America and other Western nations will be the evil Axis Powers while Russia and China will be the good guys:
I’ve warned the American people for fifteen years this day would arrive and it is here. No more warnings. America has been overthrown by a Nazi dictatorship. It is in power now.
Tens of thousands of German Nazis were important to America after World War II. They taught America’s elite how to set up a Nazi dictatorship. We are now in the new Nazi nightmare. So don’t blame it on that buffoon in the White House, Barack Obama. He is merely their little stooge, just like George Bush and Dick Cheney and Bill Clinton were their stooges too.
Bush and Cheney gave us the Patriot Act and Homeland Security and the TSA. Barack Obama is using all of them, put in place by Bush and Cheney to enslave us in this Nazi regime.
Viktor Yanukovych, the elected Ukrainian president ousted by the revolution, said today that Ukrainian cities are being patrolled by masked gunman and that the new revolutionary government is purging the Ukrainian military of patriotic officers. Wow. That sounds like what Barack Obama is doing to the US military.
Wake up, American people. This country has been overthrown by Nazis. They are trying to take over the world.
In World War III, America and the West will be the Axis Powers. Russia and China will be the Allied Forces. Everything is upside down. God have mercy on us.