Rafael Cruz: If Hillary Clinton Elected, ‘Might As Well Kiss This Country Goodbye’

In a speech to a Tea Party event in Rome, Georgia, last week, Rafael Cruz declared that if Hillary Clinton is elected president next year, “you might as well kiss this country goodbye.”

The father and close adviser of GOP presidential candidate and Texas senator Ted Cruz echoed his son’s frequent comparisons of himself to Ronald Reagan, telling the audience that “there are so many parallels” between Reagan’s election in 1980 and the 2016 contest.

Drawing directly from Ted Cruz’s misleading talking points about the Carter and Obama economies, the elder Cruz reassured his audience, “It took Jimmy Carter to give us Ronald Reagan. Because of Jimmy Carter, we were able to mobilize millions of Americans. We did it in 1980, we can do it again.”

“If we did it then, you bet we can do it again,” he said. “And let me tell you, if we have someone like Hillary Clinton elected in 2016, you might as well kiss this country goodbye, this country’s gone. We are fighting for the survival of America.”

Georgiapolitics.org captured the video: