If you are anything like me, whenever you reach for your dictionary you think to yourself: “You know what this reference book needs? More Bible verses.”
Fortunately, David Barton has taken time away from discovering America’s forgotten ultra-religious history to create a computerized version of the God-filled dictionary that Noah Webster originally intended:
Today, Webster is primarily known for the massive dictionary that bears his name. He published a small dictionary in 1806, and in 1807 began work on his great dictionary … Webster began that dictionary with a dedication to God, praying that it would be useful for “the moral and religious elevation of character and the glory of my country.” For decades, it also contained Webster’s personal testimony of his conversion to Christ. Additionally, after defining each word, he provided examples to clarify the meanings of the word, and a large percentage of his examples were Bible verses.
Since its original publication in 1828, Webster’s dictionary has undergone extensive censorship to remove its Christian emphasis and examples. Although the most popular dictionary in America still bears his name, today it no longer reflects the spirit of the original. But now you can enjoy the Biblical worldview inculcated throughout his original dictionary, for we are now offering an electronic, searchable copy of Webster’s dictionary on CD ROM.
You know, I never thought I’d see the day when the Right was complaining that our reference books were insufficiently inculcated with a Biblical worldview … yet here we are. Lesson learned.