Porter Planning Another Values Voter Presidential Debate

In May of 2010, Janet Porter’s Faith 2 Action ministry more or less came to a grinding halt when her radio show was dropped by VCY America due to Porter’s embrace of 7 Mountains/Dominionist theology as demonstrated by the May Day Prayer Rally she organized on the National Mall.

Since then, Porter has become even more involved in the Dominionist movement and continued to align herself with Cindy Jacobs.  And being freed from the responsibility to produce a daily radio show has given Porter an opportunity to focus on the important things … like organizing another Values Voter Presidential Debate

It has been a difficult year for the ministry and for me in a number of ways, but I have chosen to thank God for it … As we look forward to 2011, the exciting news that I have to announce is that we’re planning to do another “Values Voter Presidential Debate” next fall in Ohio. I’d like to host a convention prior to the event — what do you think? That way, instead of a :30 second question from our nation’s leaders, we would also get to hear from many of them — including, perhaps, some leaders from the Tea Party movement. Is that something you could get behind?

Putting together a Presidential Debate comes with a price tag of close to $100,000. It could, however, put the candidates on record on the issues that matter most to us, and with the delegates equipped with keypads to vote, it could help determine the best candidate for Christians and pro-family Americans to rally behind. The debate, convention, and movie, as well as our ongoing work of producing commentaries & maintaining the website, will require much prayer, effort, and funds. If you want Faith2Action to continue this important work, please consider making as large of a year-end gift and/or monthly pledge for 2011 as possible.

The first Values Voter Debate was held in Florida in 2007 and featured a who’s who of Religious Right activists and several GOP presidential hopefuls like Tom Tancredo, Sam Brownback, and Mike Huckabee, who received Porter’s annointing, as a choir asked “Why Should God Bless America?

So it remains to be seen if Republican presidential hopefuls will really show up to a debate organized by a woman who prays that God will give Christians like her complete control over all levels of government: