Faith 2 Action’s Janet Porter was the guest on Gordon Klingenschmitt’s “Pray In Jesus Name” program today where the two spent most of the discussion railing against the gay fascist thought police who are out to destroy any Christian that is willing to stand and proclaim their faith.
Somehow during the conversation, Porter and Klingenschmitt ended up talking about gay NBA player Jason Collins, whom Porter asserted proves that nobody is born gay because Collins has an identical twin brother who is straight and so Collins’ “choice” to be gay, she asserted, represents a dire threat to the freedom of Christians in America.
“Quite honestly,” Porter said, “he makes the case that you’re not born that way. This is a choice he’s made and it is a choice that is very dangerous physically and it’s very dangerous, as we see, to our freedoms in the nation.”
Klingenschmitt readily agreed, declaring that Jason is “demon possessed” which opens him up to being “addicted to all kinds of sin”: