Three members of the neo-Nazi organization Shield Wall Network were arrested overnight on charges of second degree battery in Pope County, Arkansas. Right Wing Watch contacted the Pope County Sheriff’s office for more information and this article will be updated as more information is made available.
Shield Wall Network is a white supremacist organization with the goal of establishing a white-only ethnostate in America. It is based out of Arkansas and headed up by neo-Nazi Billy Roper, who has repeatedly insisted throughout the years that members of his organization are not violent and do not partake in criminal activity. Right Wing Watch recently reported that Shield Wall Network had taken their Nazi flags and anti-Semitic heckling to a Holocaust Remembrance Day event in Arkansas.
Julian Calfy, Nicholas Holloway, and John Carollo—all visible members of Shield Wall Network—were arrested between 1 and 2 a.m. this morning in Pope County on charges of second degree battery. Their arrest was first noted by Rogue Coalition of Arkansas. Holloway was listed with a $0 bond, meaning he could be quickly released. Calfy and Carollo both face $50,000 bonds. They are currently listed on Pope County’s inmate roster.
Calfy pled guilty as a teenager for plotting a Columbine-style school shooting at Dardanelle High School and was tried as an adult, during which he pled guilty. He is a frequent fixture at Shield Wall events. Right Wing Watch last reported Calfy attending a Little Rock, Arkansas, rally that was put on by members of the neo-Nazi group National Socialist Movement. His arrest included charges of violating his parole. Carollo was documented earlier this year at another hate rally in Arkansas.
Holloway is a newer known member of Shield Wall Network, although his father has been an open member to the point of posting the Shield Wall Network logo as his Facebook profile photo. Here’s Holloway in Nazi garb, in a photo leaked from Holloway’s private social media to Right Wing Watch through an anonymous source: