Pat Robertson Warns Obamacare Is ‘Killing People,’ Gives Out Obamacare Hotline Anyway

Pat Robertson is no fan of the new health care reform law, even though he doesn’t seem to understand how it works . Naturally, when an uninsured 700 Club viewer today asked the right-wing televangelist if she should obtain a health insurance plan, Robertson warned her against buying insurance on the online health insurance marketplace because, he claimed, her personal information would then become widely available. He also warned the viewer that the reform law is “killing people.”

After issuing the stark warning, Robertson then gave out’s phone number for people looking to enroll in a health insurance plan.

“The government is requiring doctors to put their various records electronically as opposed to in paper and then they will in turn probably be made available on the Internet, it’s terrible to think that they’re doing, these bureaucrats are killing people,” Robertson said. “But there are ways out, there’s a number you can call, it’s 1-800-318-2596.”

He continued: “I’m sure you can find a private insurer that isn’t associated with Obamacare. This thing is a disaster, I want to tell everybody, it is a disaster, they have disrupted the entire health care delivery system of the United States of America and they’re getting in exchange for that 2-3 million uninsured people who are signing up and there are hundreds of millions of people at risk, it’s a horrible thing.”