“The 700 Club” ran a puff piece on Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal today, and color Pat Robertson impressed.
“Some interesting politicians are out there and they’ve got a couple who have Indian backgrounds,” an astonished Robertson said to introduce the segment.
After running an interview in which Jindal played well to the Christian Broadcasting Network audience by saying that the “greatest threat to America comes from within” including an “assault on religious liberty,” Robertson said, “what an amazing man.”
“He has gone far and will go farther, no question about it. Wouldn’t it be great if we had a president who was a former Hindu from India? What a great story.”
Jindal was born in Louisiana.
In any case, Jindal might want to be wary of winning Robertson’s praises, as the televangelist previously claimed that God told him Mitt Romney would win the 2012 presidential election.