Pastor: Obama’s Re-Election will be ‘Setting Ourselves up to Get the Divine Judgment we Deserve’

Pastor Joseph Mattera in a commentary for Charisma warns that the re-election of President Obama will compel God to punish America in the form of natural disasters and even terrorist attacks. He warns that Obama’s pro-choice policies that will keep abortion legal will lead to an “increase of natural disasters over the past 10 to 15 years like statewide droughts, wildfires, massive flooding, devastating tornadoes and hurricanes, in addition to terrorist attacks at home and abroad.” Mattera adds that re-electing a President who supports marriage equality for gays and lesbians “would be the ultimate act of snubbing our noses against God and His moral law” and consequently Americans “are setting ourselves up to get the divine judgment we deserve to satisfy the justice of God.” He goes on to accuse Obama of stoking potential race riots and working to impose hate speech laws.

I hate to think of what could start happening to the United States after the 40th anniversary of legalized abortion (in 2013) if we continue to perpetuate this systemic sin by pro-choice elected officials and elite liberals pushing this hideous act in the name of a woman’s right over her body (in spite of our new technology that proves the so-called fetus is a human life!).

I shudder to think of the extent of this judgment on the population if the prayers, actions and intervention of the body of Christ don’t go far enough to delay the fullness of the wrath of God for bloodletting! Perhaps the increase of natural disasters over the past 10 to 15 years like statewide droughts, wildfires, massive flooding, devastating tornadoes and hurricanes, in addition to terrorist attacks at home and abroad are merely a portent of more devastation to come if we don’t repent of the sin of abortion as a nation.

If Obama gets re-elected we can expect a perpetuation of this culture of death on our nation, especially since he will probably be able to pick the next two Supreme Court justices who would more than likely share his same liberal views. If Romney gets elected, he would need the guts to go against Democratic pressure to pick a so-called “moderate” and instead pick constitutionalist justices who will protect the values of life, liberty, justice, and the sanctity of life for all.

If the American people actually re-elect the most radical pro-choice president in our history, along with the fact that he is the first standing president to support same-sex marriage, then it would be the ultimate act of snubbing our noses against God and His moral law! It would show the enormous extent in which we as a nation have hardened our hearts against our Creator and, as a result, are setting ourselves up to get the divine judgment we deserve to satisfy the justice of God!

Furthermore, our current president not only supports same-sex marriage but he has also forbidden the U.S. Justice Department from defending the Defense of Marriage Act, which gives federal protection to states that don’t want to legalize or recognize same-sex marriage.

If Romney gets elected, one of the first things he should do is order the Justice Department to legally enforce DOMA, or else we will continue down this slippery slope of redefining marriage and family.

Many thought that electing the first black president was going to help ease ethnic tensions because it showed that the white majority in our nation has gotten over racism. But, in my opinion, his frequent pro-government, anti-business rhetoric has also brought to the public square the socialist language of class warfare that divides the rich from the middle class and the poor. His socialistic economic philosophy is based on a “zero sum game” in which, in his view, a person can never get rich without taking it unjustly from the poor, thus spawning a policy based on greed, envy and covetousness!

Making it worse, in my opinion, some of his surrogates in media often make it seem that the (real) reason white people don’t either agree with or vote for Obama is because he is black. Also, I recently read that some leaders have predicted and many disgruntled people have tweeted that if Romney gets elected, there will be riots in the streets.

If Obama gets re-elected, look for more challenges to our freedom of speech and the First Amendment that could possibly squelch what is preached on the airwaves and from the pulpit. For example, in Canada the pulpits and airwaves have already been restricted in the name of hate speech.

In closing, sometimes a nation has to unravel and its people experience disorientation before they are desperate enough to open up their hearts for a spiritual awakening. It may have to come to that in America, especially if this nation continues to choose leaders and elected officials who snub their noses at God. At the end of the day, whether America stands or falls, His kingdom and government will continue to increase and will outlast every man-made nation, kingdom and government!