Last week we noted that Grover Norquist had joined the advisory council of GOProud, a gay conservative organization, and that Religious Right groups like Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council were outraged.
I have to say that Norquist doesn’t seem overly concerned, telling Focus on the Family’s CitizenLink that he is willing to work with anyone who shares his agenda:
Norquist says he agrees with GOProud on some issues that are important to him.
“When people are willing to fight for limited government and lower taxes,” he said, “I’m willing to work with them.”
Norquist said he’s not worried that his appointment will hurt the conservative cause in November.
“One fish, one hook,” he said. “Every voter only needs one reason to vote for a congressman and a senator who will stop the Obama nonsense in Washington, DC.”
Of course, that is just upsetting Focus even more:
Tom Minnery, senior vice president for CitizenLink, disagreed the Norquist’s summation.
Minnery said that by lending his name and prestige to the minuscule number of homosexuals who are conservative, he is more likely to earn the distrust of the far larger numbers of grassroots social conservatives with whom he should be in coalition.