Michele Bachmann: Obama Supported ‘Genocidal Exodus’ Of Jews

After alleging that God delivered the election for Donald Trump in a divine miracle, ex-Rep. Michele Bachmann told End Times radio host Jan Markell in an interview last week that President Obama was about to commit a genocidal act against the Jewish people, which she believed motivated Christian voters in the U.S. to pray for Trump’s victory in November.

Obama, she said, “was about to separate the Jewish people from her land in, essentially, a forced genocidal exodus, a removal from the biblical lands.”

She called the alleged plot the last straw for many Christians who knew America “couldn’t go down that road” and “got so serious on their knees” and “cried out to God, they confessed their sins, and they asked the Lord to spare our land and He did in a way that is so phenomenal and so miraculous that no man can take the credit for this.”

“Not even Donald Trump himself can take the credit for this election,” he said. “This was a holy God who delivered this in response to the prayers of His saints.”