Having already made nice with Jerry Falwell after having once labeled him an “agent of intolerance,” and fresh on the heels of his offer to meet with James Dobson after Dobson declared that he would not support his presidential bid “under any circumstances,” John McCain appears to be doing all that he can to win over the Right.
For instance, it was recently announced that McCain has secured the endorsement of a Christian talk-show host in Iowa:
Maxine Sieleman praised Mr. McCain for his “consistent record supporting pro-life, pro-family legislation” and his commitment to appointing “strict constructionist judges.”
Ms. Sieleman is the founder of the Iowa chapter of Concerned Women for America, which advocates bringing “biblical principles” to public policy. She has also hosted a show on a Christian radio station in Des Moines since 1982.
In an apparent attempt to further establish his right-wing credentials, McCain has done a blatant about-face and announced that he will oppose a lobbying reform bill he once supported:
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has told conservative activists that he will vote to strip a key provision on grassroots lobbying from the reform package he previously supported.
While grassroots groups on both sides of the political spectrum oppose the proposal, social conservative leaders such as Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, who broadcasts a radio program to hundreds of thousands of evangelical Christians, have been its most vehement critics.
McCain sponsored legislation last Congress that included an even broader requirement for grassroots lobbying coalitions to reveal their financial donors. But now he will vote to defeat a similar measure.