Matthew Hagee: ‘What Happened In 1492 Happened Again Last Week In The Ukraine’

Last year, John Hagee released a book entitled “Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change” which claims that God is sending signs to humanity in the form of multiple blood moons and that the world is “going to see something dramatic happen in the Middle East involving Israel that will change the course of history in the Middle East and impact the whole world.”

As Hagee explained in an op-ed published in The Christian Post, there will be four blood moons over the next two years and each will occur on days “that are significant to Israel and also occur during Jewish Feasts,” which is a sign that “God is getting ready to change the course of human history once again.”

On this week’s installment of the “Hagee Hotline,” Matthew Hagee seized upon reports that anti-Semitic flyers were distributed in Eastern Ukraine last week allegedly telling Jews to register with the local government and pay or fee or else have their possessions confiscated and be deported as proof that the signs of the blood moon were coming true.

Though the flyers were widely regarded as being a hoax, Hagee said that the distribution of such flyers was a repeat of the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, which also reportedly took place during a blood moon.

“What happened in 1492 happened again last week in the Ukraine,” Hagee said, “on the first of four blood moons”: