On today’s “Faith and Freedom” radio program, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver called on churches and Christian organizations to pass resolutions supporting “traditional marriage” and vowing never to accept the legitimacy of gay marriage, saying that doing so will put them on “the right side of history.”
Staver cited a resolution that he helped to write that was recently passed by the Southern Baptist Convention as the sort of thing that other denominations should emulate.
“I encourage other denominations and churches to pass resolutions,” he said, “and we’re certainly willing and able to draft them … I encourage your people in your churches to step on the right side of history and step on the side of marriage and the natural created order of man and woman.”
Staver went on to lament that some churches turned memorial gatherings following the terrorist attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando into a “homosexual love fest.”
“Even in the situation following what happened in Orlando,” he said, “churches got involved and they led in some cases and in other cases they followed and they ultimately allowed that situation, instead of an opportunity to pray, some of them allowed it to be a homosexual love fest. That’s not something that we need to celebrate, this is a tragedy that is against all Americans.”
Co-host Matt Barber then joined in to fault gay-friendly Christians because they are “disobeying Christ, are actually running afoul of God and Jesus in the context of the marriage debate and are siding with the Prince of the World who is trying to redefine marriage.”
“Believe me, this idea of gay marriage didn’t come from God, it didn’t come from Christ,” Barber said, “so who did it come from?”