Linda Harvey Warns Gay Boy Scouts Will Bring Disaster To America

While still angered by the Boy Scouts of America’s decision to allow openly gay youth to join the scouts, Linda Harvey of Mission America is even more upset by Disney’s decision to end its funding of the BSA because the organization still bans older gay members from serving in leadership positions.

“Yes indeed we know how aggressively the homosexual movement is pushing its views and its behavior on kids and this is one of the most troubling trends in our culture right now, can you imagine how the Boy Scouts will change even more if this happens?” Harvey wondered about the BSA potentially dropping its prohibition on gay adult leaders.

After quoting from an American Family Association statement about how “Disney is sold out to promoting same-sex twosomes,” Harvey urged parents to consider the anti-gay group Trail Life USA.

“Pray friends for our nation’s boys because this corrosive culture has targeted them and these advocates of immorality would love nothing more than to see millions of boys corrupted early,” Harvey said. “That spells disaster for them as men and for America as a nation.”