LaBarbera: Obama has ‘Turned the United States into a Pro-Homosexual Regime’

Peter LaBarbera was the guest on Michael Brown’s “Line of Fire” radio program yesterday where the two discussed Dan Savage’s recent appearance at the National High School Journalism Conference where he offended some students by criticizing the Bible and then mocked those walked out, for which he has since apologized.

Brown and LaBarbera spent most of the interview complaining that they are called bigots simply for attempting to help gays out of love while Savage is given lucrative speaking engagements even though he is an anti-Christian bigot and hater. 

After an excruciatingly dull hour of that, the two moved on to other topics, offering LaBarbera an opportunity to vent that President Obama has “turned the United States into a huge gay-rights government.”:

Nowadays, I think the big threat we see now – it’s just incredible, Mike – the Obama administration has turned the United States into a huge gay-rights government. We are using our resources to force every government across the world, pushing them to promote homosexuality. And there’s lots of government and states, whether they’re Muslim or like ardently Christian nations like Uganda that don’t want, they don’t share the caviler attitude of the West toward homosexuality, they certainly don’t want to promote it. And all of a sudden Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have turned the United States into a pro-homosexual regime and it’s just despicable.