“Dr. Chaps” Gordon Klingenschmitt has added his voice to the chorus of outrage over the inclusion of a same-sex couple in an episode of the Disney Channel’s “Good Luck Charlie,” calling for a boycott of the Disney Corporation because it has fallen under the influence of demonic spirits who want to recruit kids into homosexuality:
If you are a Christian or a moral-minded parent who wants to teach your children that homosexuality is aberrant and wrong behavior, for example, you don’t want to model sinful behavior as normative to your kids, your morality and faith, you child’s innocence are now being undermined by the Disney Corporation.
And that’s why we are inviting you to participate in boycott of the Disney Channel … Send a message to the Disney Channel: stop recruiting our children into an aberrant lifestyle!
Don’t you want to have that blessing for your children, that their conscience will not be assaulted, their innocence will not be violated by the corporations who want to push a gay agenda upon your family? … I believe these tempters now at the Disney Corporation are being influenced by demonic spirits who want to recruit your children into sin … God bless the children, not just the ones who are actors in this show whose innocence is being violated, but also your children at home who may be having access to this kind of programming.