Klayman: Revolution Needed To Stop Obama From Giving Personal Information To His Communist Henchmen

While we are still waiting for Larry Klayman to assemble a “Third Continental Congress,” the conservative firebrand is now telling activists that the NSA’s surveillance program “is cause enough to wage revolution, using all legal and God given means – to end this evil subjugation.”

He warns that the program has become a tool of President Obama to “transform our nation from a capitalist and free state to a socialist Marxist one, generally loyal not to ordinary Americans but to his wildly ultra-leftist, atheist, anti-Judeo-Christian, anti-white and Muslim benefactors, supporters and friends – of which he is their ‘Manchurian Candidate.’”

Klayman suggests that the NSA will feed people’s personal information to George Soros and Obama’s “atheist and communist sympathizing groups” such as People For the American Way (“and its vile publication Right Wing Watch”), the Center for American Progress and the Southern Poverty Law Center, organizations that “foam at their depraved mouths in carrying out their efforts to destroy conservatives, libertarians, people of faith and anyone else who believes in true freedom.”

This comes as a surprise to us, since PFAW has actually joined a challenge against the NSA surveillance program…but maybe the clever Klayman has figured out that the NSA lawsuit is just part of the conspiracy!

Thus, in practice, the NSA has the ability to know our most intimate, personal and professional details; your communications with lawyers, accountants, doctors, girlfriends, boyfriends, wives, husbands and paramours and provide this information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) and other government agencies that are being used as tools by the establishment to destroy us. Indeed, under public pressure, it has now been admitted by the NSA’s Inspector General – the semi-independent internal watchdog of the agency – that NSA employees have been using its super spy capabilities to violate the privacy of their so-called loved ones. If such crimes are occurring at this relatively low level, then imagine the as yet not fully disclosed actions of high officials, who play a deadly game to remain in power to enrich themselves at the public trough or in the case of Obama, transform our nation from a capitalist and free state to a socialist Marxist one, generally loyal not to ordinary Americans but to his wildly ultra-leftist, atheist, anti-Judeo-Christian, anti-white and Muslim benefactors, supporters and friends – of which he is their “Manchurian Candidate.” Among Obama’s supporters and political hit men, notwithstanding the ultra rich and powerful likes of George Soros, who along with his Jewish father sold fellow Jews out to Adolf Hitler during World War II to save their own slimy necks, are the atheist and communist sympathizing groups such as People For the American Way – which Soros supports and contributes to – (and its vile publication Right Wing Watch), Center for American Progress created by George Soros, Hillary Clinton and previously run by former Clinton White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, and its comrade in arms the Southern Poverty Law Center (and its hateful publication Hatewatch), also supported by Soros, who run interference for and do much of the dirty work for the socialist “Mullah in Chief.” Soros and these groups foam at their depraved mouths in carrying out their efforts to destroy conservatives, libertarians, people of faith and anyone else who believes in true freedom. Were the intimate details of your life to be fed by Obama and his henchmen to groups such as these, the reputations and lives of anyone seeking to take on the government, which to them is their god, would surely be destroyed as well.

This criminal government conduct and its chilling effect on the First Amendment free speech and associational rights of all Americans cannot be tolerated. If the courts do not step in to stop this massive violation of constitutional rights and then seriously monitor the offending government agencies to make sure that the nation’s spy apparatus is used for the purposes for which it is intended – to legitimately protect our national security – then this is cause enough to wage revolution, using all legal and God given means – to end this evil subjugation.