Angry about President Obama’s appointment of gay ambassadors, Kevin Swanson said on his Generations Radio program today that these ambassadors want to promote “the gospel of gay” abroad.
Swanson praised efforts by religious leaders in the Dominican Republic to recall the openly gay U.S. ambassador and a ruling by a Puerto Rican judge reaffirming the commonwealth’s same-sex marriage ban, while noting that Tennessee lawmakers only managed to pass a “toothless resolution” decrying the Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling.
“I think what you’re seeing here in America is not only a perversion of this country but a strong intent to pervert other nations as well,” Swanson said. “We’ve seen that with Barack Obama’s tour through Africa and we see that with the appointments of some of these homosexuals as ambassadors.”
He continued: “‘Harry Potter’ and ‘How To Train Your Dragon’ and some of these major motion pictures have done their best to bring about a shift in the American attitude towards sexual sin.”