Joyner: Civil War Inevitable Thanks To Obamacare

Televangelist Rick Joyner is convinced that a second revolution or a military coup are the only options left to fight President Obama, who he claims in his latest “Special Bulletin” is threatening government officials — including Chief Justice John Roberts — with blackmail.

The far-right preacher writes that the country is now in a precarious position similar to immediately before the American Revolution and the Civil War. He adds that today Americans live under the “slavery” of Obamacare and government.

Some think another revolution or civil war could never happen in America because a majority of Americans would never allow it. It would not require a majority, or even close to a majority, for this to happen. Marx was right when he declared that a tiny percentage of the passionate would rule the majority who are indifferent. This was proven when just twenty thousand Bolsheviks overthrew the Czar and took over Russia, a nation of millions and one of the strongest countries in the world at the time.

During the American Revolutionary War, roughly 30% of colonists were in favor of the Revolution, and only a small percentage of those actually participated in the conflict. Another 30% were loyal to the king and steadfastly opposed to revolution. The remaining 40% of the people tended to drift from one side to the other depending on who it looked like was winning, or they turned against one side because of the atrocities they were committing.

The revolutionaries during the American Revolution were liberals. The conservatives were loyalists to the British crown. The definition of liberal and conservative has changed since then but, after over 250 years, we continue to have the same general political breakdown: 30% liberal, 30% conservative, and 40% in-between. The American Civil War had a similar breakdown, and the acrimony is growing as it did before both of these two most terrible conflicts.

It Is Still About Slavery

Signs are strong that if we are not soon drawn back together as a nation, we will be torn apart. The basic issue dividing us continues to be slavery. This is not about a single people group being enslaved, but whether we will all become slaves of the state or remain a free people.

Many have attempted to give the impression that slavery in America was less cruel and diabolical than it really was. Some slave owners may have been relatively humane in their treatment of slaves, but the key word here is “relatively.” Slavery itself was inhumane and diabolical, and the American form was as bad, or worse, than what was found anywhere in history. The point is not to stir up old wounds, but to make a connection to the totalitarian slavery America is headed for if we do not change our direction. Neither Hitler nor Stalin had the technology for the kind of totalitarian control apparatus that is now in the hands of the U.S. Government. In the hands of the wrong people, whether from the right or the left, the kind of totalitarian control that could be imposed on America would be worse than has ever been known before.

The Supreme Court found the Affordable Care Act (ACA) constitutional on the basis of a decisive vote by Chief Justice Roberts, that it was in fact a tax which no one could understand, and which Roberts could not even explain. How could we not believe that someone had gotten to him? Was he threatened with the revelation of something about himself or a family member that is now being used to control him? Nothing else seems to make sense of Judge Roberts’ decision.

This will now be a cloud that hangs over all government officials—they are being controlled to keep them from speaking out or possibly voting as they would like, because something is being used to silence them. Just the threat that NSA information is being used in this way greatly erodes the trust of citizens in their government.

The Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA or ObamaCare) is the single biggest power grab in American history, and if fully implemented, could result in the worst tyranny ever. Just as rat poison is 98% food and only 2% poison, ObamaCare is filled with elements intended to appeal to almost everyone, but a most deadly poison is sown throughout it.

Tags: Rick Joyner