Republican leaders in Congress are trying to tamp down calls within their party for President Obama’s impeachment, claiming that such GOP calls for impeachment are in fact a Democratic “scam.”
But WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah, an advocate of impeachment, wants Republicans to know that the impeachment “scam” is itself a scam and that “Democrats have successfully conned the Republican majority in the House — or at least the leadership — into believing they welcome it.”
“This,” he adds, “is an example of counterintuitive Saul Alinsky-style disinformation at its best.”
The Democrats have successfully conned the Republican majority in the House – or at least the leadership – into believing they welcome it.
This is an example of counterintuitive Saul Alinsky-style disinformation at its best.
Democrats say they’re raising money fighting impeachment.
They say it will help them in the midterm election.
They say talk of impeaching the first black president smacks of racism.
And the Republican leadership, the Republican elite, the Rockefeller country-club Republicans believe them.
That’s the incredible story of what is happening right now in Washington.