Jonathan Cahn: Hurricane Joaquin May Hit DC As Punishment For Gay Marriage

It looks like Jonathan Cahn has blown another prophecy.

Over the weekend, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins interviewed Cahn about his recent speech at the FRC-hosted Values Voter Summit. Cahn, who gained Religious Right fame after predicting, unsuccessfully, that last month would be a period of chaos and turmoil, possibly culminating in a massive financial collapse or natural disaster, now says that his September doomsday prophecy actually extends all the way until September 2016

In his interview with Perkins, Cahn pointed to Hurricane Joaquin as a sign of God’s wrath for America’s legalization of gay marriage, legal abortion and the United Nation’s treatment of Israel, suggesting that the hurricane would strike Washington, D.C., because that’s “where the leadership is.”

However, he was careful to hedge his bets, saying that his point stands “whatever happens, whether it peters out or not.”

He said that the name Joaquin is based on the name of the evil king Jehoiakim, and could be a sign that God knows that American leaders have “crossed a gigantic line” and “overruled the word of God massively” when they “legalized the killing of the unborn in 1973 and now we have the striking down of marriage.” Cahn said that the White House’s decision to celebrate LGBT pride month with rainbow lights was another “act of desecration” that will “provoke judgment.”

Perkins agreed, saying that while “those on the left like to mock these things,” American leaders throughout history have viewed hurricanes as signs that “God is trying to send us a message.”

In the end, Hurricane Joaquin did not hit Washington D.C.