Jim Garlow Says ‘Crushing Expression Of The Gospel’ Is The Ultimate Goal Of Gay Rights Activists

Jim Garlow was the guest on AFA’s “Today’s Issues” broadcast yesterday, discussing the recent decision, and sudden reversal, by World Vision to allow legally married gay Christians to work for the organization.

Near the end of the conversation, host Tim Wildmon asked Garlow just where the push for equality would ultimately end, wondering if eventually it will just become so commonplace and accepted that being gay won’t even be an issue any more.

“When is the gonna stop, here?” Wildmon asked.

“The short answer,” Garlow responded, “is persecution.”

“The short answer is persecution of Christians,” he continued, in response to Wildmon’s expression of surprise. “It is staggering across America the depths of persecution believers are already beginning to experience. This is not about homosexual marriage; this is about crushing expression of the Gospel”: