Jesus Loves You and AFA Hates Miley

Via Americablog, we learn that the American Family Association is now going after Miley Cyrus for Twittering her views that Jesus loves everyone, whether they are gay or straight:

• “Everyone deserves to love and be loved and most importantly smile.”

• “Jesus loves you and your partner and wants you to know how much he cares! That’s like a daddy not loving his lil boy cuz he’s gay and that is wrong and very sad!

• “Like I said everyone deserves to be happy.”

• “God’s greatest commandment is to love. And judging is not loving.”

• “I am a Christian and I love you – gay or not – because you are no different than anyone else! We are all God’s children.”

Now obviously that is outrageously offensive to the “real” Christians like those at the AFA, which is now saying the Cyrus is a terrible role model for children and calling on its supporters to besiege her with letters setting her straight: 

Such statements will send the wrong message to our children who are influenced by this teenage megastar. Parents need to realize that Cyrus is not the positive role model she was once thought to be.

Send Miley Cyrus a letter stating that you do not approve of her comments.

Clearly she is confused and does not understand the Bible. Please pray for the Lord to open her eyes to the truth.