Jeff Sessions: Gay Couples Could Just ‘Call Themselves Married,’ Don’t Need Legal Recognition

At last week’s Eagle Forum Collegian Summit, Sen. Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, told a crowd of young conservatives that the Supreme Court was wrong in its “beyond breathtaking” ruling to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide.

“People could get married before the Supreme Court ruling, two people could call themselves married” he explained, saying that same-sex couples could “go off at the beach and have flowers and play rock music” in a symbolic, but not legally recognized, ceremony.

Sessions also took a page from Religious Right activists like Tony Perkins and Rick Wiles, and warned that Christians would soon be persecuted for their beliefs: “We are at a period of secularization in America that I think is very dangerous, it erodes the very concept of truth, the very concept of right and wrong, and there are people out there who enjoy attacking people who follow biblical directives.”